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Franz von Fein Rubin Spritz alkoholfrei 0,0% alkohol Rubin Spritz


  • Ice cubes

  • 2 cl Ruby Aperitif

  • 8 cl sparkling mineral water

  • Garnish with an orange slice


"Hazy and viscous, this blood-orange coloured liquid looks like a drink of power and concentration - and it is! Lots of spice - ginger, turmeric and coriander - with some sweeter fruit and floral notes underneath. A good balance of sweetness and bitterness, it mixes well. Natural and complex-tasting."


- World Alcohol-Free Award, London



  • Eiswürfel

  • 2 cl Bernstein Aperitif

  • 12 cl spritziges Mineralwasser

  • Garniere mit einem Rosmarin oder Lavendelzweig


"There are a lot of flavours at play here: lavender, grapefruit, sandalwood, mandarin, sage and mango to name just a few that our judges picked out. With a mixer, it makes for an exotic, big-personality aperitif that demands a summer afternoon, or perhaps spicy food. Could also be a really interesting ingredient for bartenders."


- World Alcohol-Free Award, London

Alkoholfreier Spritz, mit roter Flüssigkeit und Eiswürfeln gefüllt.

  • Ice cubes

  • 2 cl Rubin Aperitif

  • 10 cl sparkling mineral water

  • Shot of dry tonic water

  • Garnish with a lemon zest


"Refreshing, sparkling nuances accompanied by a deep, finely bitter finish. Subtle sweetness and tempting depth give the drink the necessary power to take you into an endless summer night."

- Franz von Fein

  • ice cubes

  • 2 cl Bernstein aperitif

  • 12 cl dry tonic water

  • splash of sparkling mineral water

  • Garnish with a lemon zest


"Floral-fresh, sunny aperitif enjoyment, completely without alcohol. Oranges, lavender blossoms and rosemary take you on a journey to Provence."

- Franz von Fein

Alkoholfreier Spritz, mit gelber Flüssigkeit, Eiswürfeln Gefüllt.
Longdrinkglas mit Rubin Aperitif und verschiedenen Fruchtsäften gefüllt, Eiswürfel und Grapefruitschnitz garniert.

  • ice cubes

  • 2 cl Rubin Aperitif

  • 6 cl Aqua Monaco La Toronja Grapefruit

  • 6 cl sparkling mineral water

  • Garnish with a grapefruit slice


"Zitrisch-fruchtige Noten, gefolgt von einem tiefen, erfrischend-herben Nachhall. Grapefruit, Wacholderbeeren und Hibiskusblüten begleiten in eine nicht endende Sommernacht."

- Franz von Fein 

  • Eiswürfel

  • 3 cl Mondstein Holunderblütenessenz

  • 18 cl spritziges Mineralwasser

  • Garniere mit einer Zitronenscheibe


Glas mit Eiswürfeln und Holunderblütenschorle.


What exactly is an aperitif?

An aperitif is a drink served before a meal to stimulate the appetite and encourage conviviality. It is traditionally characterized by a refreshing, slightly bitter taste, with a balance between fruit, citrus and bitter notes. Aperitifs are a popular tradition in many cultures that emphasize togetherness and enjoyment.


Franz von Fein was known for the festivities he hosted at his castle. He enjoyed receiving guests from Mediterranean countries, who were among the first to bring the aperitif culture to his region. The aperitif and spritz have been enjoying increasing popularity here for some time now.

Why non-alcoholic aperitifs?

More and more people want to consciously lead an alcohol-free lifestyle, whether for health reasons or personal preference. Our mission at Franz von Fein is to raise alcohol-free enjoyment to a level that is in no way inferior to the enjoyment of drinking alcohol. Franz von Fein's alcohol-free aperitifs and his various recipes for alcohol-free cocktails offer a fabulous selection of drinks that are intense, surprising and suitable for a wide variety of social occasions. You shouldn't have to choose between drinking pleasure and abstinence, but between alcohol-free drinking pleasure and drinking pleasure with alcohol!

What do I need for the perfect aperitif?

Franz von Fein Aperitifs, mineral water, ice cubes and a few good Fraenz.

Health-conscious enjoyment without compromise. Is that even possible?

Yes! Franz von Fein's non-alcoholic aperitifs and cocktails not only offer tasty enjoyment, but also a healthy alternative to alcoholic beverages. And all this without compromising on taste and enjoyment.

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